Home Files

The Building Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Episode Summary

Join our expert guests on a comprehensive journey through the entire home building process. They’ll help you feel comfortable and in control knowing what to expect throughout the construction of your brand-new EasyLiving home.

Episode Notes

When your construction site starts to come to life, the dream of your new home feels excitedly close. Yet, with this anticipation comes a touch of apprehension, a sentiment shared by first home buyers.

In this episode of Home Files, our expert guests take you on a comprehensive journey through the entire home building process - from your site being cleared, all the way through to the moment you are handed the keys to your very own home.  

And there’s no one better to guide us through this process than two incredibly knowledgeable Carlisle team members - Operations Manager, Mariah Barnes and Construction Manager, Glen Dunstan. Together, they uncover some invaluable insights about the construction process, including:

Set out on your home building journey with confidence. Tune into this episode to feel empowered and in control knowing what to expect during construction.


Special Guests:


Bits of Gold:

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This podcast is proudly brought to you by Carlisle Homes – Australia’s Most Professional Volume Builder for 2023 awarded by the Housing Industry Association. 

You can get in touch at carlislehomes.com.au, or follow us on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok - @Carlislehomes

Everything we talk about on this podcast is general in nature and doesn’t consider your own circumstances. Please speak to a licensed financial advisor or a professional consultant for personalised information.